BitCanna and the Cosmos-based testnet

Beni Cheetah
2 min readJun 10, 2021

The current BitCanna blockchain was created on the foundations of the Bitcoin/Dash blockchain which is an old tech. Recently the developers of BitCanna decided to move onto a more up-to-date and better blockchain based on Cosmos. I did not know what to think about Cosmos, I’ve heard of it but I did not really look into it before.

I have to tell you that I like the way the project is going, that they’ve chosen Cosmos. You have much more responsibilities on this blockchain than before (versus masternodes), you can vote on proposals, get the validator punished for being offline. Anyone can delegate to validators, earn coins like this.

The invitational testnet is still ongoing, out of the 250 application 50 people have been chosen to participate in testing the blockchain and earn points for completing different tasks. These tasks vary from being able to create a validator, configuring stuff, etc. Btw, there are currently 66 validators on the testnet.

The BitCanna team does a great job helping people, providing guides, explaining how to configure validators on Cosmos, etc. Everything is organized very well.

KYC was mandatory and thankfully I reside in a country where you are allowed to earn coins.
Creating an account on went really fast and without issues, this is the site where submissions can be made providing proofs that a task has been completed.

The minimum requirements for running a validator are as follows:

I am currently renting VPS to run my testnet validator on but I might even become a real validator on the mainnet once it goes live.

I look forward to seeing what happens with this project.

